Monday, January 14, 2008

Uranus' projection for the week of January 14th – 20th, 2008!

Hello My Fabulous Cosmic Children! So wonderful to see you all again!

Once, my darlings, on one of my countless bacchanalian summer soirees in Amsterdam, I veered off course and found myself wondering down what must have been the narrowest pedestrian pass I have ever encountered. I’m telling you, sweethearts, it snaked along for what seemed like an eternity! The tall stone buildings on either side of this incapacious canyon felt positively claustrophobic! What was even more astounding, darlings, was that there were so many people walking in either direction, squeezed so tightly together on this journey unfit for Prada heels - that one had to almost press one’s well-donned self flat against the stone wall in order to pass the other people coming in the opposite direction. While I had wandered haplessly down this constained path, what is it, I thought, that would compel people to do so voluntarily? Well, sweeties, after about 10 minutes of close – sometimes improprietous – contact with strangers (which in and of itself, darlings, is not always such a bad thing!), my ant-like course emerged onto a beautiful stone plaza along a quiet canal. My heart blossomed, darlings, as it always does upon the sight of beauty. Along the ancient canal people sat, drank, smoked, laughed and loved. They watched the long canal boats drifting by, their lights reflected in the still water and on the opposite side of the canal were even more people mirroring ourselves. Darlings, I have to tell you, all was well in the world that night - everything was equal. The horribly dank and claustrophobic – an entirely accidental - path that had led me to this ataraxiac oasis was such a small price to pay for such pleasure.

So, my sweet children, why do I tell you this tale? Well, I hope it serves as a reminder darlings, that in the coming week you will not overlook the big prize for the small obstacles along the way. Also, always know, sweethearts, that this is a shared journey and no wise gal does it completely on her own. Now, enough of this pseudo-sagacity and let’s get down to business, darlings!

Oh my strong, determined Aries child how you do like to just go for it and so often get! Yet for all your conviction and fortitude life is not always easy for you is it, sweetie? You had a less than appealing experience recently and it has set you to thinking and if there is one thing I know about my headstrong Aries children is that they can be very – sometimes too – analytical! But you are terrible at one type of analysis and that is self-analysis, sweetie! You, darling, sometimes need to be told what is what and while you may not like what like you hear, and sometimes appear not to be even listening, you do take the advice eventually. So in the coming week, while you are ploughing ahead with all your sexy Aries grit, keep an eye open for those slippery road ahead signs, because, while you are so blessed with strength, darling, you are not so equally blessed with good control. So, my Aries child, listen to those closest to you this week and take care not to skid off the tracks, honey.

Hello my beautifully strong Taurus child! While so many of those who don’t truly know you see you as a resolute, even mainstream, type of person those closest to you know another gal/guy entirely. You embrace the fine and beautiful things in life and for you the definition of beauty is as nebulous as the people to whom it often accorded. You delight in the weird and the neurotic like no one, sweetie! However, what you do not like is those who are simply acting so. Deceitfulness and duplicity are your sworn enemies, sweetie, and if I know anything about my bullish Taurean children, they make fierce, (often permanent) enemies! Oooh…scary! This week, darling, you will have to be a little patient with some people in your life as many of those around you – including yourself – are going through changes and no change – at least no change for the better – comes without its turmoil. So, my sexy Taurus baby, your understanding nod and succoring smile in the face of annoyance will work wonders this week, sweetie

Hello my sweet Gemini baby! Well, as you already know, darling, this is a year of change for many and for you, with that deft mind of yours, it is also a year of planning for the future. And what is it, sweetie, you see yourself doing when pondering that world-worn path known as the future? I’ll give you a second to formulate that mental montage, honey. Hmmm…looks nice doesn’t it? Now, come back to reality for a second and listen - while it is always a delight to dream – and how you do like to spend your time with your spectacular head resting in your well-kept palm just engrossed in flights of fabulous fancy but, darling, dreaming is not doing no more, as I’ve already told you, than thinking is doing. But on the upside, sweetheart, dreaming is at least one step beyond thinking so this week begin set in motion the machinery needed to help you create that fabulous future fantastic. And as another great one while bedecked in feathered finery opined so long ago, “Don’t dream it, be it!”

So often we find ourselves yearning for something yet find ourselves completely ignorant of that which we so desire. It’s a longing for the unknown, an aching for the ambiguous or just a hunger that cannot be satiated. Well, darling, how melodramatic of me! Let me bring this back to a more basic level. I see you at a place of so many decisions and so many things that seem be out of your control and while the world, in its wearisome way, demands answers and results of you, you haven’t even an elucidation for your own queries and concerns, do you sweetheart? Trust me, honey, it is not as bad as all that. Pick up that well-well styled head of yours and consider this: looking for the unknown is like trying to find someone in the dark – and yes, we have all been there, darling! In that dark room you can run about flailing ones arms until you strike the person you seek or, you can sit still and let him/her find you. Both are not particular efficient methods but the latter method will result in less injury, sweetie. This week, baby, just relax; the answers will find you.

How the world enjoys the sight of you entering a room and how they also enjoy equally, darling, the pure propulsive energy you bring to any situation. But, as only those close to you know, sweetheart, this is only your public persona. I know, darling, that there is a lot more going on inside that well-coiffed head of yours. I also know that your intellectual pursuits are not something you care to discuss and one wonders why, darling, as you couple both creative and intellectualism in such a stylish and enticing manner! But, you know, sweetie, there is sometimes a down side to a person so multi-faceted as yourself and that is you seem to second guess yourself in matters of the heart and in that second guessing, my lovely Leo child, I want you to ask yourself this one question this week; is the thing/person that that occupies your mind most so very frequently going to help you become the person you want to be. Give it some thought, darling, and we’ll chat again next week

Oh dear, someone has fallen on the receiving end of what most people think is your complete indifference haven’t they, darling? Well, as you and I both know, sweetie, this is not so much indifference as it is your tendency to cut off and wall yourself from all the unnecessary drama and lately, well sweetheart, you have been getting more drama than an all male stage production of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolfe! Now while, I myself am so much averse to drama and magic you, sweetie, are the type of person who likes to know how the magician’s trick is done. Others, however, like a little mystery in their lives and what you see as someone falling prey to trickery, others simply see it as being swept away in the enchantment. Pragmatism is indeed a great thing baby, but some of those closest to you are not subjects, they are human so please this week, darling, try a little patience and understanding when you think someone you care about is being a little ‘dramatic’ because from the other side of the picture, honey, drama is just a an act masquerading as the real thing. Think about it sweetheart!

While everyone is always appreciative of the physical wonders of my fabulous Libran children, you are, to the delight of those closest to you, a brain to behold, darling! Yes, you are the one dancing with thoughts and plans in your head – both literally and figuratively, honey! So, perhaps that is why you are still finding yourself alone in this post holiday lull. And if there is one thing about lulls, it gives the non-thinking time to rest and thinking more time to think! So unfair, I know, sweetie! So, while you trod through this cold and windy week, darling, consider this with that so very astute mind of yours; why are you always drawn to the freak and not the geek? No, I’m not calling you a geek, honey, it’s just that I want to reach with your well-developed thinking box of yours past the pulchritude and on to the sexy phrenic. Are you not sure of what I am saying, sweetie? I so trust you to look up!

So my marvellous Scorpion child, have you been checking out the world beyond your own boundaries as I’ve previous prescribed? Well, with as many things going on in your life right now, darling, I’ll give you wide grace to getting things off the ground! But please, sweetie, don’t wait too long or that little skirmish that is brewing within your own boundaries might flare up into something much more dire. Seriously honey, do you – or any of us - need any more stress in our lives? You are a tempestuous – albeit sexy - one I know and once you draw a line in the sand few would dare cross it, but sweetie, if you keep drawing lines in the sand you’re going to eventually end up in the ocean. My advice, listen more than you speak this week, sweetheart. It will serve two purposes if you do, darling, it will keep things at a controllable simmer and silence, which is indeed golden, is so often mistaken for profundity sweetie!

Oh my sweet, sexy Sagittarian child – how you do suffer for art and love all things imbued with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning: truly noble you are in your intents. I know it must be absolutely exhausting for you, sweetie, to bear such a mantle of nobility Atlas-like across your well formed shoulders but life is not all about beauty, in fact, in a cosmos so keen - practically obsessive - onbalance and equilibrium, beauty – no matter how you choose to define it – is but one half the story, darling! And while I think your zeal for all things cozy and warm to your heart is a marvellous blueprint for your life, sweetie, understand one thing in the coming week, there can be no pleasure without friction. Just relax, sit back and take it easy just for a brief respite my wondrous Sagittarian marvel! In the coming weeks doors are about to open for you, sweetie, and as any gracious lady knows, when a door is opened for you, you must walk through as ‘tis only polite, darling!

While you are not afraid of most things in this life sweetie, you are afraid of not being secure. Yes, my sweet Capricorn child, with all your talents and strengths, the thing that shakes you to your sexy core is the thought of being without a place and means. And let’s face it, sweetie, we all need a safe place to belong. Remember when you were a precocious child, honey, with all that unbound energy of both body and spirit? When you could take a simple bed sheet and become a fabulously caped superhero or, without pause, turn it into a fort strung between the dining room chairs? It is these carefree moments of our lives, honey, that prompted Ernest Dowson to remind us that, “They are not long, the days of wine and roses”. And while the carefree – and responsibility-free – days of youth are long past for many of us you have two choices in life; pine for them, or die young like dear old Dowson did. Now, darling, why do I conjure your halcyon days of yore? Well, sweetheart, seems to me, with all your worrying and fretting over security you may be cutting your days of wine and roses a little short! Sweetheart, relax and consider this: do the days of wine and roses even have to end?

Hello my darling Aquarius child. I have always been enamoured with your bohemian ways, darling. Few could resist your earthly charms could they? But lately it seems you have been keeping that bewitching mind of yours in the past for longer than what most would deem healthy, darling! There is an old expression – mine of course – that goes; only the unhappy are ever nostalgic. And there is some truth in that, sweetie but if one is not an entirely Xanax-numbed stepford child then constant and perpetual happiness is but a mere dream. So nostalgia is bound to creep in once in a while. And for you, darling, nostalgia is a journey that inevitably takes you back to the time when you could sleep in until noon, not shower for days and eat without gain or guilt. Oh my sweet, sometimes naïve, Aquarian baby who doesn’t wish for better days but, as you know, since the past is a place impossible to relive, the only better days are ahead of you sweetie!

My dear astute Pisces child – it is so good to see you again and you are looking very fetching darling! And what’s that fabulous glow all about you? Why I do believe you are fairly brimming with positive energy, sweetheart and my how well you wear it! You will find, sweetie, that with all the stamina of which you have been so gifted of late, there are those who want jump on board with you and ride your astonishing energy. But, sweetie, take heed this week - and while you are never averse to sharing - some people take more than is warranted and in the end, this may leave you devoid of that wonderful vigour of yours. So, honey, in the coming week keepmoving forward with your sexy positive momentum but make sure those around you are also pulling their own weight. Also, and I always delight in conveying such news, that effervescent energy you now have translates fantastically in bed sweetie so by all means, do not deny someone an amazing time, darling!

So, my beautiful children, stay healthy and well of both bidy and spirit and I'll see you all next week!

Kisses et P’tit becs,

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