Monday, January 21, 2008

Uranus' projection for the week of January 21st – 27th, 2008!

Hello My Fabulous Cosmic Children! So wonderful to see you all again!

Hello my fabulous Cosmic Children! I hope the past week has been nothing but kind to you and that you have all sought out and found at least a pleasure or two, darlings! For life without pleasure is like a life without purpose. Happiness is but one strand in that complex – and sometimes overbearing – tapestry we call life, sweethearts, and regardless how diverse the paths we take to find that elusive agent of happiness it is all good. I am reminded of a time recently where I accompanied a dear, sweet friend to a Buddhist Shambhala center for a light evening of Tibetan throat chanting and abiding meditation. Well, as you can well imagine, darlings, as intrepid as I am in life, these were new waters for this sequinned vessel! We sat on the floor on small, round, firm – unexpectedly comfortable – pillows all facing toward a brightly coloured alter festooned with flowers, incense, fruit and other various fun-looking bagatelle. Seated in front of the altar and facing us was a monk who, after about an hour of tendon-stressing pillow squatting, asked us if we had any questions. Well, sweeties, as I am not one who wishes to appear rude with displays of disinterest, I posed my query. I raised an elegant finger and the monk turned his untroubled face toward me and with the slightest of nods signalled that he was ready for my question. Well, darlings, my feeling that I was living an actual expositional, spiritual moment in the finest of Bruce Lee films notwithstanding, I asked my question. “Is happiness”, I postulated, “a genuine state of being happy all the time or simply a state of being ignorant of one’s miseries?” In the brief, portending moments that passed between my question and his, what I anticipated a spiritual rejoinder nothing short of life-changing profundity and eye-opening acroamatics, I finally got the monk’s response; it was, “What’s the difference between the two?” Well, darlings, I was left a tad dumbfounded. But then it occurred to me, the monk’s simple statement was very profound indeed. Why should we, sweeties, fret such small matters of context and annotation when being happy is what matters more. And all happiness is pleasure and all pleasure is happiness so this week, my sweet cosmic children, put pleasure ahead of life’s other – sometimes imperious - clamours.

So, honeys, let us get down to your weekly cosmic projections!

Oh my strong, determined Aries child how you do like to just go for it and so often get! Yet for all your conviction and fortitude life is not always easy for you is it, sweetie? You had a less than appealing experience recently and it has set you to thinking and if there is one thing I know about my headstrong Aries children is that they can be very – sometimes too – analytical! But you are terrible at one type of analysis and that is self-analysis, sweetie! You, darling, sometimes need to be told what is what and while you may not like what like you hear, and sometimes appear not to be even listening, you do take the advice eventually. So in the coming week, while you are ploughing ahead with all your sexy Aries grit, keep an eye open for those slippery road ahead signs, because, while you are so blessed with strength, darling, you are not so equally blessed with good control. So, my Aries child, listen to those closest to you this week and take care not to skid off the tracks, honey.

Hello my wonderfully determined Taurus child! When you set your mind to something, darling, only the most dauntless would even dare stand in your way! Yes, I know, darling, that this is a year of goals for you and setting such august conquests for yourself is indeed noble, sweetheart, and I commend you for taking full advantage of a time in the cosmos that portends such a marvellous time for achieving life’s desires, darling! However, on the downside of my headstrong Taurus child is when you set your sites on a goal you often do so with blinders on and fail to notice some of the things around you, darling, and these things (and people) adore you far too much, baby, to warrant your disinterest. This week I want you to plan a dinner party and entertain all of your adoring fans and assure them that while you are planning big things for yourself in the coming months you have no plans of doing so without them. Show those you care so much about, darling, just how loyal a friend you truly and always are. It will pay huge dividends, sweetie!

Hello my darling Gemini child! It breaks my well-travelled heart, darling, that you sometimes suffer from a slight case of inferiority complex. And while I could forever espouse your well-deserved and well-earned praises you sometimes hang your head a little lower than those around you and well, I swear, darling, this has just got to stop! I will not take another day of this from someone so fabulously giving and altruistic. So enough, sweetie of that inner naysaying and let us look at why you sometimes suffer from inexplicable bouts of self-disparagement. Is it because you feel you do not have as much to offer as someone else? Not as smart? Tall? Sexy? Rich? … well, honey, at the risk of running a tad close to the banal I proffer this piece of threadbare sagacity; there is always someone richer, taller, sexier, funnier and something-ier and all those traits, sweetie, are of absolutely zero cosmic consequence! So, this week, if you find yourself feeling a little down about not having as much to offer as everyone else, think of this, you’re a Gemini, sweetie – the twins – you have twice as much to offer of the stuff that counts than all the rest of us, sweetie!

Darling, there comes a time when you have to put that well-heeled foot of yours down and take charge of the situation! It is time for you to show the world some of that sexy assertion you possess and flaunt your take-charge self, sweetie! Right now you are enjoying a good dose of energy and rather than shop that energy away (and while I agree with you, honey, that nothing cures like a good dance or a good sale) this is not the week for material expenditures. I need you to focus that astute and marvellously dapper mind of yours on getting things done, sweetie! Lately I know you have been at a bit of a crux about where you are going and what you want out of this life and when you get that fantastic idea – as only a sexy Cancerian child can – you need to follow through. Honestly, darling, is there a soul out there in that big, sometimes cold world that can refuse your charms? Of course there isn’t anything you set your refined mind to that wouldn’t bring about fabulous rewards for you, sweetie! So, this week follow the fabulous form of Alexander the Great (no, I’m not referring to that cute waiter at the slouvaki place!) and keep this as your mantra: Veni, vidi, vici which simply means, “I came, I saw, I conquered.” I know you are so up to the challenge, darling!

Hello my fabulously loving Leo Child! While the world sees you as someone who is simply fabulous at everything you often struggle with your innermost thoughts – especially those thoughts that revolve around your oft times upheaved desires. Now, if you have been paying attention, darling, you would already know already that fulfillment of desire and being happy are pretty much the same thing, sweetie. And if not the same thing, honey, at least it’s very fine substitute one for the other. So, rather than contend with those swirling thoughts of yours, you immerse yourself in your distractions like being a fabulously entrancing social butterfly or with your gracefully-powdered nose in an engrossing book. This week, darling, I want you to consider if your habitual divertissements are actually mere, shallow substitutes for your own pleasure and/or happiness. What, sweetie, think I am asking too much? Do you think, with that keen and comely mind of yours, I am asking you to not partake in your pastimes? No, honey, I would never do that! But please, sweetie, this week less time passing time and more time making time – for you.

My dearest Virgo child how are you doing? A little tired, sweetie? I thought you might be and who wouldn’t be with all those people flocking to your feet at if you were the advice messiah, honey! Yes, it does seem that people see you and interpret your balance, strength and humour as the gal who has got it all together! Yes, she’s got it all figured out, baby! But do you, sweetie? While you may be the model of meetness and propitiousness, darling, you and I both know that these traits alone do not an altar make. But, my special Virgo child, those in your life cannot be blamed if they are looking for a little direction. Life is sometimes a complex journey and if there is a source of answers - or even hints - as to how to make this cosmic junket a little simpler then like moths to the proverbial flame, darling, people will cluster around. You, my dearest, are the flame for a lot of people in your life and while this is such a highly complementary position to be accorded, it can be a little wearisome, darling, as you, like all of us are looking for our own answers from time to time. This week darling take a little time off, close the advice office for a while and partake in one of your greatest pleasures: quiet time and a funny TV show.

Hello my dear, open Libra child. Are you feeling lately that things just aren’t going your way, sweetie? This week I am asking all my cosmic children to focus a little more on what brings them pleasure and if there is one thing about you, my audacious one, is that you are not at all shy about seeking out – and most often finding – your pleasures. If fact, your personal lexicon of things that please you and bring you happiness is a good read indeed. So why is it, sweetie, that recently the things that would ordinarily give you pleasure are falling, how should we say it, a little flat? Do many things usually congenial to you seem a little listless at the moment, darling? Well, honey rather that sweep and dust your boredom out of existence, I want you lift that talented head of yours and consider that many things in our lives, like a fake silk blouse, wear thin quite quickly. What you need now, if I may extend my metaphor, darling, are a few fabrics of genuine substance and strength. So, I have a task that I think you may find quite suited to your oh so methodically endearing ways, sweetheart. I want you to consider your life like a closet that has gone unattended for years! Yes, scary thought for you I know! This week take charge and organise that closet – you may be surprised what you find and had completely forgotten about, darling! This week, you need a small, pointed reminder why you chose this path is life, darling, and you’ll be much happier for the personal edification

Oh here we are again – me and my charming and erudite Scorpio child! You know, sweetie, most people have this wish that full and rewarding happiness will come when their dreams come true. And while this is a wonderful thought for many, for you it would be more like having your nightmares born flesh, darling! No, I am not labelling you a naysayer, sweetheart, it’s just that you to tend to lean a little on the negative side for when most people see and smell the flowers they anticipate a beautiful garden, you, on the other hand, expect a funeral. Why do you suppose you sometimes adopt this ‘fresh hell’ attitude, darling? Perhaps it is something you may want to give some thought. I am not one who believes that pleasure comes with a price. But sometimes, my sweet Scorpio child, I think you believe that you think for every joy they must be a pain and, you know, sometimes this may prove true but certainly not always. This week, sweetheart, just take the joy and let it envelope you as joy is the only antidote I know for worry and negativity. How will this joy come into your life? – as always, darling, on a wave of awareness. I know you’ve well earned it, darling!

Have you ever gotten the feeling, darling, that people may resent or even be a tad jealous of you? Well, my sexy Sagittarian child, with all that you possess in life it is a wonder you are not on acerbity’s receiving end more often, sweetheart! But what, do you think, sweetie, it is that people may resent? Is it your comeliness, you home, your talents? Which one would you pick, honey? I know, it’s not a fair question of me to ask I realise but this week darling I do hope that you take stock of the things that make up that alluring construct that is you. It is a shame, at least to my heart, that people – even those you would deem friends – fail to see that all that makes up the wonder that you are comes from your tremendous efforts, darling. You work hard at not just being where you are, sweetie, but also work equally hard at being who you are and that, without any fear of contradiction, is a glorious creature indeed. But also this week, don’t become complacent about your natural endowments, sweetie, for your journey, while not quite sisyphian, has only just begun.

I get the feeling, darling, that you are a little preoccupied with something – actually someone – that has struck your fancy! And who could it be, sweetie, that could have made such a mark on your otherwise seemingly indelible heart? Well, it matters not but with all matters of the heart, unlike matters of the corporeal, I advise only that one approach with caution. As with matters of the corporeal, it’s like a warm and blithesome lake, honey – jump in feet first yelling! The heart, on the other hand, is a little more skittish and delicate and, no, I’m not talking about your heart, sweetie, as you are more courageous than most! In the coming days, honey, I’m asking you to be a little cautious with the heart of whom you have become recently enamoured. Yes, it is usually very easy for you to break the ice when it comes to meeting someone new but you also, with equal ease, seem to break the heart. It truly is not your fault, sweetie, as you are such a beguiling creature, that you are often mislabelled Mr./Ms. Right only to prove otherwise. Oh my dear one, how this has left a trail of tears in your wake sweetie! So, this week, take a little care and check the waters before jumping in for nothing douses the flame of passion as quickly as an ill-timed cold, wet splash, darling!

Hello my fluid, easy-going Aquarius child! While you are so often thought of a sweet, charming nymph skittering from branch to bough in your own gossamer world the reality in much more concrete – and in fact ashfault, darling. While it is never a joy for me sweetie, to impart warnings I must tell you that this week could be a little more trying for you, sweetie. You are going to have to trust your instincts a little more than usual this week and as you have the presence of an alluring woodland creature your instincts should be already well-honed, honey. As my theme this week, sweetie, is the pursuit of happiness, I am always curious as to what would bring someone usually so at ease in the world pleasure. I have a feeling the answer would surprise many indeed! In the coming week, with your logic on hold for a brief respite, your instincts are going to put you into a more feral state of consciousness and in that state you will find a surprising and new source of pleasure, darling. How exciting for you, darling! And while it is easy to rely on ones instincts, darling, it is another thing altogether to trust them. Have fun this week, baby, it’s going to be quite intense!

Hello my Piscean baby, how are you doing? It has been quite exciting for you recently hasn’t it, darling? Practically childlike are you in your seemingly ceaseless enthusiasm, sweetie! You know, sweetie, a short while ago, I sat in a café listening to a dear friend of mine bemoan the loss of magic from her romance with her boyfriend and while she shared her tale of sluggish sex and lethargic living it occurred to me that pleasure needs a boost once in a while. Happiness and pleasure is indeed a delicate orchid sometimes and needs careful attention or it petals fall leaving what is essentially nothing more that wilted stick. So, sweetheart, this week take that wonderful penchant of communication and sharing what you have; cast it onto to waters, honey! There are a lot of beautiful people out there and just one of them is waiting for you unbound joy, darling. Please, do not let this soul go longer than he/she has too for pleasure is always amplified when it shared, darling!

So, my beautiful children, stay healthy and well of both bidy and spirit and I'll see you all next week!

Kisses et P’tit becs,

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