Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Uranus Divine's 2008 Overview!

Hello my beautiful children – it has been far, far too long!

I know, I know, you have so many questions about where I’ve been and I’ve been up to these past few years and I will, in due time, darlings, fill you in on every salacious and salient detail of my own personal journey these past 8 years. Needless to say, sweethearts, that I have spread both myself and my wisdom far and afield and imparted to all who would listen that one must always keep their head up and their heels down.

So, rather than me prattling on and on and wearing off my lip gloss talking about me, let’s talk about you! While the calendar is usually nothing more than a slow moving clock, it tells us that 2008 has just begun and soon, according to the authority of my brilliant but overworked manicurist, we will soon be in the year of the rat. I also have it the same authority that this bodes well, darlings, but how so? Well, read on…

Oh yes, I forgot to mention darlings, beginning January 14th, 2008, you can your weekly dose of Divine every Monday!


Oh, my sexy Aries child… put down that increasingly heavy sense of indignation for a moment and listen. While you are so often a bundle of unfocused energy, 2008 promises (or threatens depending on one’s point of view) to finally reign in that maelstrom of a mind of yours. Yes, I know. You’ve worn that mantle of sexy bad boy/girl for so long now you're probably a little frightened of the idea of sticking to a singular thought or path but don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll guide you along as best as I can. Greatness, as always for you fierce sexy Rams, is in your future and the future, as is its tiresome wont, sometimes happens instantly. I understand that for you, darling, methodology and practicality fit like non-half-size heels but bear with me, just take those well-formed hands of yours and grab at opportunity like it was that cute person on the edge of the dance floor. Grab him/her and spin, spin, spin for after all, just because you lack a sense of direction, doesn’t mean you lack a sense of purpose, baby.

Now, as in matters of the heart, and your heart of late has been heavier than most and well, that breaks my heart, sweetie. Uranus has known heartache and let me impart this small, soupcon of wisdom if I may. While the possibility of a long term relationship doesn’t look good for you in 2008 you will, on the other hand, meet a wonderful array of bright and interesting characters; some of whom promise to become fabulous friends. Just please, my little Ram, open yourself up to possibilities you’ve never allowed yourself before. It’s a bold and brash world out but as shiny as it is, it is not as shiny as your presence can make it.

Got get ‘em sweetheart!

The Energetic Aries Rat
Now! For all you Aries children of mine who were born in the year of the Rat here’s a quick overview. Oh dear, looks like 2008 might test your patience a little and as those who know you, know that well is pretty dry to begin with, darling. Perhaps best for you, honey, is to cut out some of life’s clutter and take a modicum of Thoreau - keep it simple sweetie.


My stalwart, trusting sweet, sweet Taurus child. Come here, Uranus has a confession to make – of all of my children, you are always the most difficult for me to impart any negative words. So, it’s is with a blossoming heart of sheer joy that that I tell you that 2008 is going to absolutely marvellous for you, darling! In the cosmic collage that is our lives you will be the fortunate recipient of your personal and spiritual needs being fulfilled. This is a time of new beginnings for you, sweetie, and while most people are fearful of the new and unknown, my fabulous Taurus child has never been coy about the undiscovered. And, yes, this is going to be a year of discovery for you and I know what great news that is to your precious ears. However, darling, take your time and try not to rush too quickly into the darkness. While the abyss promises excitement, sometimes the darkness serves as a cloak hiding the ugly and unattractive. So, on occasion, rather than struggle with trying to hail a cab after closing time, befriend the bartender and enjoy another martini, by the time it takes you to finish it the sky will have lightened with the promise of new day.

How will my Taurean baby do in love this year? Well, looks like a new person is about to enter your life in 2008, sweetheart, and why wouldn't it? You are a creature of passion and you exude a slight but oh so sexy hint of danger that so often has the world fawning at your well-planted feet. How you proceed is up to you of course but always keep this in mind, sweetie, and while it is rarely my inclination to use a racing metaphor, you operate in top gear while most of the planet seems quite comfortable in neutral – it would be wise for you to figure out if someone is sharing your life’s journey or just being towed behind you.

The Sexy Taureran Rat
2008 promises wonder for you my sweet, although sometimes intimidating, Taurean Rat child! It is your mind people are most drawn to but don’t let that be your excuse for not hitting the gym once in a while. Yes, yes, I know that working out is essentially sweat without love but since your year promises a merging of all your energies don’t be blind to your weaker aspects in the shining light of your oh so strong ones!


Hello my darling Gemini child! Yes, I agree, it has been too long. One of my favourite things about you, sweetheart. is your ability to think – you are such a fabulous thinker and we have all benefited at one time or another from your wonderful cerebral prowess. 2008, promises a rare and precious opportunity as the thoughts that fly around in your wonderfully developed mind will find purchase in the financial. Could it be, my fair and cogitative Gemini child that someone is finally willing to pay you for what seems to come so effortlessly to you, sweetheart! However, and you well know this darling, that thinking is not doing and why, do you suppose, that you find yourself so much more at home in your thoughts but seem to lack such comfort in the corporeal? Could it be fear? Yes, I know very well that thinking about swimming doesn’t run the risk of drowning but neither does it run the risk of getting wet either and let’s face it, baby, you look fabulous wet! So, in 2008, jump in, get wet and enjoy because while some think you are of a duplicitous nature, I consider you the finest example of the existential dyad and your two solitudes of both mental and physical and been too long separated sweetie!

Ok, what can my Gemini baby expect for 2008 when it comes to le cause amour? Like all people at ease with and in their thoughts, you have no trouble expressing your deepest desires with those you are comfortable with but, honey, it’s not all about words and feelings. Sometimes is a little dirtier. Perhaps it is this old soul speaking who remembers when the air was clean and the sex was dirty but, baby, in 2008, you will need, in matters of love, a little less Shelly and little more Bacchus but if you wish to proceed more cautiously, sweetheart, then may I suggest Dionysus for starters.

The Persuasive Gemini Rat
If you could please stop being distracted by that shiny object for a moment I have something to convey to my articulate and wonderfully romantic Gemini child! 2008 is going to a year of important decisions for you my Gemini Rat child and some of them serious, hair-deflating choices. You have a great bevy of friends all around your charming self – trust them this year darling!


My tenacious and self-assured Cancer sweetheart! How have you been? Not so well..? So very sorry to hear that but 2007 has been positively rapacious at steeling away joy from some of my dearest ones. Anyhow, darling, 2008 promises to be a year of change for you and that change will start in a deep and perhaps overlooked part of yourself – and that’s you emotional side. Yes yes, I know, sweetie, that you often feel that being a strong, smart and charming soul gets you through life’s travails but sometimes, at the end of a long, exhausting day one is forced to ask oneself if one is simply putting a band aid over a haemorrhaging heart? It is time to tend to your most basic emotional needs, sweetie, and 2008 will be a great year for it! Being one of my more delightfully stylish children with a decided flair for the gourmand and epicurean - which is why everyone loves to spend time with you! – in 2008, I want you to take stock of all those things in your life and if it is not brand toss it out! It is no longer the time for cheap knock-offs baby and, as harsh as this seems, this also applies to your ‘friends’. Trust me, sweetie, you already know who they are. As I am a visceral creature at heart I’ll summarize 2008 with this: I see you sitting beachside, shaded by a well-fruited palm, sipping something clever and delicious and umbrella-ed and enjoying life as only a truly sybaritic child of the cosmos can. I’ll be joining you there, darling!

So, while you can sweat and dance and love with the best of them (hell, sweetie, you’ve taught most on them how!) you are, at your heart a person who enjoys life’s simple pleasure in matters of the heart. Your issue, as it is for so many, has always been one of trust so, in the absence of trust, you, like so many do, opt for the temporary. And yes, it is fun but after a while one needs to put her well-turned legs up and recline in comfort. Loving the cozy as you do may I suggest you mediate on the following, “what’s keeps me from what I want?” Pardon’s my crypticism here but trust me, sweetie, give it a try.

The Attention Seeking (and always finding) Cancerian Rat
While all of my striking Canercian children are on a quest for all of life’s wonderful luxuries there are none more equipped and skilled than my Cancerian Rats! However, this is not a year for materialism, I’ll give you a second to pick that well-worked jaw up off the keyboard and live with that for a moment. Ok, ready..fabulous… 2008 is, for all Canercians, a year of emotional tending and mending – friendship and family (no, the two are not one in the same for you I realise) are key so no matter how you choose to define them – trust in your family, sweetheart, in 2008.


It has been often said, mostly by me of course, that there is no such thing a Leo who is not in love. And you, my sweet and loving, Lion child idolise those you care about and idealise romance to the point that Harlequin may find it a bit over the top. And while it may be an absolutely wonderful time basking in the glow of your warmth, others, sweetie, find they are simply being eclipsed by your sun. So, in 2008, you may want to consider letting those closest to you – they are easy to spot as they are often squinting or wearing sunglasses in your presence – shine a little themselves. How, darling, how does one accomplish this? There are two ways as I see it, you can turn down your brilliance or show those you love how shine as brightly as you. Being as lion-esque as you are I know you have no intention of turning down your glorious light so guess what you’ll be doing in 2008, honey? …indeed, you are going to share you immense capacity for love and teach those you care about to shine. Which brings us to another question (oh my, so many questions for you!) how do you teach others shine? While I cannot give you the definitive answer sweetheart, I do offer this lovely quote I once read from washroom stall, “There is no darkness so great that a single candle can’t break”. I trust you to know what to do with it.

My lovely lion, since your life and your loves are so very intertwined how can I elaborate on what I have already said? While you are very much a candles and wine type of person, have you thought, darling, that maybe, just maybe, you may wanna up the ante a little? You have never been shy about pouring your heart into your love but in 2008, trying being a tad more corporeal - I want you to pour that well-crafted body of yours into your love life. Your partner(s) will so very much appreciate it for while wine and candles may cause the lips to lie, there is no drink so strong, no evening so enchanted that can make the raw, naked body as disingenuous. Get a little dirty this year, honey!

The Romantic Leo Rat
My mysterious and dynamic Leo Rat – how could 2008 not be good for you, sweetie? This is going to a year of unrelenting success for you, providing you recognise that which needs the most attention. It is also going to a year that completely redefines what ‘success’ means to you, darling.


It is always a pleasure to speak with you my deceptively demure Virgo child! So many people see you as being a person of class and dignity but underneath that carefully moisturised skin you and I both know you are a rose with particularly sharp thorns. And while the world delights in you sarcastic wit – as well they should for no one can turn a tale so adeptly as you sweetie - 2008 may find you on another path; one very unlike that which your well-supported feet have previously trodden. This year you will find yourself completely caught off guard with the discovery of your new, unbridled and passionate creativity, darling! And while exploring your newfound innovatorial pursuits you will be getting your well-trimmed fingernails a little dirty. Oh don’t be so shocked by this news – you will be far more shocked by the fact that you are going to absolutely love these new artistic quests. The biggest reward for you this year, my sweet Virgo child, is that your new creative endeavours will open a whole world of new experiences and new people and you will flourish and express yourself not only in wonderful ways, but to new and wonderful people. Whew, what a year for you! Wow, I think I need a drink!

Despite your habit of falling asleep during sex this year does hold some interesting new trysts for you darling. The one thing that has been missing in your life – deny this all you will but you know it to be true sweetheart – is a truly harmonious relationship. Perhaps it is your fierce streak of independence, perhaps it is your misanthropic nature or maybe it is just because you are bored honey! Well, in exploring new paths in 2008 you will discover people the likes of which you have never known and while at first you may be a little apprehensive and even overwhelmed, by the end of the this wonderfully thrilling year, baby, your natural wit will only be equalled by your attractiveness to someone quite…well… you know how to finish that sentence yourself by then. Just try to stay awake for when it happens, darling.

The Witty Virgo Rat
You are more organised than most and you have an eye for detail – provided they are not being utilised in your own life my funny little Virgo Rat! Since this year is a year of fabulous changes for all Virgos you, as a stubborn Rat, will find the transition a little more difficult that your brothers and sisters, sweetie. If you find this year a bit trying at times just know it is just bitter medicine and the rewards will be even greater for the effort – otherwise, just sleep in until August, honey.


Put down that swiffer and come listen to me my cogent little Libran! I know you feel that life is all about balance, sweetheart, and that 2007 was a year of extremes for you – which, in its own wearisome way, is a form of balance but not the kind you like - or are even able – to embrace. Perhaps, darling, this is why you now feel the need to detach yourself from the every day drudgeries of the world. Well, if you have begun this detachment then you are already halfway there sweetie! While 2008 may be a year that is a little more trying for Librans than others, you must know by now that as precocious and social as you are you have no room for the banal. So think of it this way: you are not cutting yourself off from the world, sweetie, you are cutting yourself off from the mundane and that, especially for my beautiful Librans, is a great thing! You have wasted far too much of life’s precious energy on things that are of little consequence in the end so I want you to turn that well-glossed frown upside down honey! I want you to take all that soon to be freed up energy and do something as fabulous as only my Libran children can and just for once forget about all things having to be in balance for and let the scales tips at their whim…steady on now, I know that must have frightened you, sweetie, but trust that the scales, no matter how mutable, always find their center and you will too find your gorgeous center once again in 2008.

Surprisingly, relationships have never been easy for you have they? You possess all the charm and beautiful the rest of us can either dream about or have to paint on yet you so often find yourself alone. It is not that you do not like the idea of finding someone who could become the delightful yin to your gorgeous yang it’s just that your preconception of what complements you best is so stringent, honey! It’s a wonder anyone cold find their way through your tightly woven filter. But, sweetheart, here’s the good news, in 2008, with your new energies just laying around not being entirely used up for cleaning the house and organising the closets, you will feel the need to get out there and explore a wider world and to that I say brava, darling! You don’t have to lower your dizzyingly high standards, sweetie, just broaden the net you cast by meeting new people and, if you keep your perfectly-plucked eyes keen, honey, that equally discerning amour will come into your life. Now, get back to conquering that layer of dust you’ve been exhaustively battling all morning sweetie!

My Beautiful Libran Rat
You are a smooth one aren’t you? So delightfully affable, cultured and always so impeccably dressed – why, I’m falling in love with you as I write this! In 2008, since you are so very crafty and skilled at presenting yourself to the word, I do believe that this year would be a great on for you to help others present their best selves as well. Perhaps a career in PR or advertising might be in order, darling! Who am I kidding – you already work in PR!


Oh please, darling, calm down a moment will you! I know you feel that if your hand in not on it then it – whatever
it is – it surely must be flying far and asunder. My dear, so often misunderstood, Scorpion child, what am I to do with you? Yours is a mind so keen, so very sharp that one feels compelled to be cautious around it so I suspect your, sometimes caustic, wit is a small price to pay for being in the presence of genius. Or, perhaps, darling, it is just that your mind, so beautiful in it’s complexity, can never sit still long enough for you to find that tranquility you so desperately seek. In 2008, while you will maintain you great curiosities about the spiritual you will also venture into the philosophical. A fabulous brain like yours needs company, honey – equal company and there are few who could hold their own with you. In your new pursuits of the philosophical this year, darling, I want to think less introspectively and more outwardly. Besides, you can only hold the mirror up to yourself for so long before you start noticing all the things you dislike about yourself and that will only lead to a self-obsession and, trust me, sweetheart, the only obsession you should be dealing with is of the Calvin Klein variety! So, in 2008, look a little more outward and forward and just a wee bit less inward and see what you’ve been missing, darling!

The dichotomy of my brazen and intellectual Scorpios is that they are - to everyone’s surprise and delight - absolute animals in bed. You are a sexual being so beyond anything that lovely fellow Freud could have ever envisioned in his most psychotropic morphine-fuelled dreams, darling! Two things, however, always clash when you end up in a relationship and that is that tiresome battle you wage between your overactive intuitive side and your soft idealist side. Oh, darling, I know you know what I mean but the simple fact of the matter is that while you dream of a perfect partnership, your well-toned gut always has a way of making you second guess everything and this so often leads to resentment and jealousy. However, my clever one, in 2008 things are about to change for you. The separate parts of you world, which you tend to keep so neatly compartmentalised, are about to merge into something glorious, sweetie! You are about to learn how to exhibit that fantastic sexual energy to everyone around you in a completely non physical/sexual manner! Only in this way, sweetie, can all of those who have not actually had the exhausting pleasure of going to be with you, see what a magical creature you truly are!

My SexuLectual Scorpion Rat
2008 is going to be an emotional year for you. Oh, no need for the concern, darling, this can only be a good thing trust me. Most who have the pleasure of knowing a Scorpio Rat know what fabulously strong people they are and often rely of their strength, but, honey, after having the world lean on you don’t you feel a little bit tired? In 2008 you will demonstrate some of your weaknesses and in doing so astound us all by showing the world what a strong person you truly are, darling! Oh yeah…I almost forgot – this year you will be having the most amazing sex you’ve ever had… just fyi, sweetheart.


It must be difficult for you to be as beautiful as you are, my sweet Centaur Sagittarius child. You also know far too well that beauty is a burden - for while the world gapes in awe at the splendour of you, you know too well that their eyes are blinded by pulchritude and cannot see past that fabulously-sculpted body of yours. For if they could see past sweetie, they would see a heart and mind rich in values and ideas. In 2008, the best quest for you, honey, is to embrace more closely that which you adore. Bring into the fold of your strong arms people and things that cause you untethered joy and exquisite pleasure. But, here’s the catch, you can no longer use these pleasures to shield yourself against those things that give you grief or cause you fear. I know, I know you are about to protest in your famously persuasive manner what I just said, which is part of that friendly charm of yours. But, darling, if you are to extract the best of 2008 you must learn to accept the unknown and stop shielding – or medicating – yourself with your own pleasures. I have always felt, my dear sweet Sagittarian child, that you suffer from a sense that the forces of mediocrity are conspiring to keep you down. I have never known a force so great that could keep you from anything for your charm, persuasiveness indomitable spirit is, and always will be sweetheart, one of the greatest force in the cosmos. So, in 2008, honey I want you to focus far less on pleasures and much, much more on your desires. No, honey, they are not the same thing.

My effusive Sagittarian child, you fall in love so readily and so effortlessly. Of course, you fall out of love with equal guile. I look at you, darling, and I see someone for whom romance means such a great deal and you hold it in very high esteem. But, honey, perhaps you have over-romanticised romance? So, how does 2008 look for you, my beautiful Sagittarius child? How can I put this gently to you, sweetie? You know, I never enjoy being the bearer of ill tidings…but of course there is no trials without rewards so let’s start there. 2008 will be the year in which you learn the most you have ever learned about yourself in matters of love. It is with this knowledge that by the end of this highly educational and growing year, my darling, that you will know more than ever what is good for you and what isn’t. And that, sweetie, is a fantastic and wonderful gift. On the flip side of this you must know one thing, even the princess, despite her fabulous wardrobe and enviable social standing, had to kiss a lot of frogs before she found her prince charming.

My Charming Sagittarian Rat
There are none more perceptive than you, my wonderful Sagittarian Rat. There is also none more prone to wandering and have no qualms about pulling up roots and seeking something – anything – new. But in 2008 remember this my darling, newer is not always (often never) better and the best cure you may want to consider for your itchy feet is a nice, long hot bath – preferably with company. You are perceptive enough to know this already, sweetheart.


Oh my, the child of the cosmos that always puts a smile on my face – my darling, talented Capricorn baby! I have always been so impressed and so proud of the fact that you back down from no challenge. In fact, darling, you love a good battle don’t you? It is a most admirable trait to feel so confident that no challenge is beyond your bold grasp to be sure. But, it does beg a question doesn’t it, sweetie? Who are you trying to impress with all your conquests? I hope that didn’t sound too harsh sweetheart as I know what sensitive soul you can be but understand that I say what I say only to help. You, my dear child, radiate such positive energy that people simply need to be around you – and seriously, honey, who doesn’t like to keep an audience. But have you ever considered that you have crafted your own identity through the many eyes of those who adore you, sweetheart? 2008 is going to be a year of personal identity for you, darling, and while most people would see that as a daunting notion I know that your sexy fortitude and personal spirit is not even flinching. Who could not love you! So, in 2008, think about the person you think you are and ask yourself if that's the person you’ve always wanted to become. If yes, then teach us all, honey – if no, then let your journey of personal discovery begin.

There is nothing greater in my wonderful Capricorn children that there sense of independence. It is that rugged and sexy individualism, while you do tend to play it sheepish and coy at time, that makes people love you. But, as you well know, darling, your strong sense of independence has proven a bit of burden in your past relationships – even friendships. So, what if I were to tell you sweetie, that 2008 promises the opportunity for you to find someone in whom you have always desired. No, it’s not a perfect, well-rounded tush, not broad, supportive shoulders, not a sensual mouth or even understanding eyes. So, what is it, baby, that you seek in someone that you have always longed for? Yes, 2008 promises you the opportunity to meet someone who ‘gets it’! How exciting for you! A perfectly mated Capricorn (and, it is an odd quirk of the cosmos that Capricorns are the only souls that can be perfectly mated) is a positive force that benefits us all! And, while you have often seen yourself in matters of the heart as a work in progress, I hope you are ready to see what the final, complete you is like, darling!

My Confident Capricorn Rat!
Is there nothing you cannot do, sweetheart? Your tenacity and industrious spirit is that which so often carries the crowd and far too often too many take credit for you labours, This will not do in the least, honey! While you are not the most sentimental of creatures, darling, in 2008 it is time for you to take stock of yourself and all that have accomplished and I want you to reflect on the beauty that is you in this world! Your ship, which you no doubt built yourself, is about to come in. sweetie, quelle joi!


My dear, wondrous and performing Aquarius child, how you do like an audience! The most marvellous thing about you of course if that while you do love the spotlight you are not in any way self-centered, sweetheart. You care far too much about those in your life – and even those you don’t even know – to be all about you! 2008 looks so very positive for you, darling, in the areas in which you excel - creativity, expression and philanthropy. But, have you even considered, sweetie, that perhaps the way in which you so delightfully express yourself might be in need of a serious tune up? I know, who could imagine needing improvement in your expressive manners but sometimes even the best situations need a little shaking up. And that’s what I want from you this year, darling, I want you to shake things up in your life! You enjoy life so very much and to its absolute fullest and no one can compete with you marvellous libertine style but there is a greater good beyond the next party, sweetheart, and I want you to ponder how you could harness that fantastic joi de vivre of yours and turn it towards something substantial! Are you not sure what exactly that substantial thing should be, well… how about this for starters; think of the thing most important in your life, honey, the one thing you would not trade for anything. Got it? Great, now take that feeling and turn it into something everyone you meet can tap into. Trust me, you will work wonders – it is like performing on a whole new cosmic level, sweetheart!

So, what can my fluidic Aquarian child expect in the love department in 2008? Passion, sweetheart, nothing but pure, raw, unadulterated passion! Whew, think I need to catch my breath here, baby! You have always given so much of yourself when it comes to other people's needs and it is always so very much appreciated. Now, don’t you think it’s time you took care of just a few of your own needs? Darling, you have to know that there is a person out there – who knows – that person may already be in your life – who can match your insanely wild energy and match wits with your delightfully jocular mind! And my sources are telling me, sweetie, that that person is beckoning in 2008! But wait, what’s this I see? Are you afraid of finding that person? No worries, honey, this person will find you and you seem to have little to say in the matter. Enjoy the ride, darling!

My Entertaining Aquarian Rat!
You are an unusually impulsive creature aren’t you my beautiful Aquarian child! 2008 offers you something a tad bit foreign, at least to you, the chance to think about yourself rather than the betterment of the world. Ok, darling, I know you have been trying to make this planet a better place for everyone and I’m sure that’s just been exhausting, honey, but everyone will benefit if you just make it a better place for you, sweetie!


Oh put down that book for a second a listen to me my most studious and well-informed of all my cosmic children! Listen, sweetie, no one more than me appreciates the need to be well informed and kept abreast of all the latest news. And there is no zodiacal projection that I endorse that would suggest you do otherwise, darling. You are a creature of immense curiosity and your capacity for wonder is a marvel to behold – at least before noon, darling. You are also a creature of tremendous courage and in 2008 courage is what you are going to need the most of, sweetie. No, I am not saying that there is a year of travails in front of you, sweetheart, just a year of questions. Courage for questions you ask? Well, yes, because these questions, if you are honest with yourself (and I know you always are) will challenge some of your most sacred ideas, sweetheart. I expect that when you are faced with these questions through situations that fall well out of your immense and far reaching control, it will make you think about your place in life, on this earth and in the universe. But, fret not, your fantastic skills at math will so be put to good use! By year’s end, a higher, shinier, more glamorous version of you will emerge, darling!

Well, my Piscean child, how you adore the quiet, intimate moments that make you feel all is well in the world. In love yours is a spiritual quest and up until now you have always trusted your intuition to make the right decisions in relationships. Has you intuition always be right, honey? Well, I’m sure most times it has been but what, just for a moment, you put your analytical gut of yours on hold just to see what happens. If you didn’t trust your intuition in the area of love would you foresee disaster and chaos? Well, guess what, sweetie, chaos is what love is all about! Love is not measurable and quantifiable and I want you to bear that in mind by mid year when someone enters your life just fairly brimming over sexual chaos. It may seem absolutely daunting to you at first but you have an impulsive side that is practically unused so give it a test drive – I promise you, it will return fabulous dividends, darling!

My Courageous Piscean Rat
Oh my conscientious and compassionate Piscean Rat child, how you do feel that you have so much to offer but lack, inexplicably, the strength to offer it. If there is one thing I have learned in my storied time on this planet is that my Pisces children have more strength than most! So, in 2008, my incisive Piscean Rat child I want you to toss aside your completely ridiculous and unfounded notions of inferiority and step into the light! In 2008, yours is not a mission of self discovery but of self recovery, darling!


So, my beautiful children, it looks like 2008 is a year of change for everyone and one hopes - as is always the way of hope - that these changes are for the better. Now, I’m off to soak myself in something hot and foamy – extra points to those of you who know I’m not referring to a bubble bath - see you next week!

Kisses et P’tit becs,

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